Valplast prosthesis is implanted if the patient has very little of their teeth or as a temporary solution when planning to work on implants. They provide a better aesthetic appeal of classical, partial dentures, flexible and have no wire elements. Therefore, the carrying valplast dentures more comfortable and more comfortable than some other types of dentures, and dental arch in the denture looks natural and attractive.
Valplast brace is very similar to acrylic dentures, but this is a more sophisticated solution and has a number of advantages over acrylic dentures. Benefits valplast forms are numerous.
The material of which are made valplast prosthesis is flexible and partially flexible and extremely sturdy and nearly resistant to breakage. Valplast dentures are no wire elements, are thinner and more comfortable to wear. In addition to the patients more easily adapt to them, their aesthetic function is very noticeable. In addition, Valplast prosthesis enables easier and more accessible to oral hygiene.
Valplast dentures are also known as silicone prostheses teeth. They consist of special nylon fibers, which give them the property of elasticity. Hooks which is a silicone prosthesis teeth associated with other teeth with other teeth are made of the same material, and remain completely unnoticed.
Valplast, which is used for the preparation of such prostheses, is a thermoplastic plastic which is folded at a temperature in the oral cavity becomes. Because of these traits VALPLAST these are flexible prosthesis. It is also important that valplast extremely well tolerated in the mouth and does not give rise to any adverse reactions. The material is extremely flexible, and are quite flexible, and at the same non-fragile.
Making valplast prosthesis is a good decision if the patient is missing several teeth in one jaw, and there are reasons not to do a dental bridge or implant fitted. Valplast dentures have shown good results in patients with non-parallel, crooked teeth or uneven ridges